February 10, 2024 Haskell Athletes Compete at Washburn Indoor Athletic Facility
Photos provided by Emmitt BrazilleContinue Reading
Photos provided by Emmitt BrazilleContinue Reading
Haskell Indian Nations University is set to honor the traditions of Indigenous ancestors with a welcome back Powwow for the Spring semester. This event is free and open to the public and will take place on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at Haskell’s Coffin Sports Complex, 155 Indian Ave Lawrence, KS.Continue Reading
Haskell’s Gamma Delta Pi Chapter plans to offer a children’s storytime at 6 PM Thursday, February 15, 2024, at Tommaney Library. When asked why Gamma Delta Pi is hosting the event, Sorority Clan Mother Sophia Boldwarrior said, “We aim to get in touch with our inner child during the bookContinue Reading
In the heart of Spirit Lake Nation, North Dakota, the tribal community is dealing with yet another heart-breaking disappearance. Jemini Posey, a 21-year-old Indigenous woman and mother vanished without a trace on January 7, 2023. As days turned into weeks, the haunting echoes of another tragic loss clouded over theContinue Reading
Being involved in community events is something that helps make Haskell home to many people, so what happens when the events aren’t shared early enough for students to attend? The primary form of communication from the University to students would be their university emails, which has begun to cause studentsContinue Reading
Henry Payer is a Ho Chunk (Winnebago) artist who works primarily with collage and mixed media. Born in Sioux City, IA in 1986, Payer received a BFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM in 2008. He was invited to study at the University of Wisconsin-MadisonContinue Reading
In the last ten years, the most significant number of students who have dropped out of college have done so between their first and second years. The Student Success Center aims to provide students with the resources to be able to take control of their college careers. Located inContinue Reading
By Tara Roanhorse Haskell writers are set to read their original poetry and fiction in what is hoped to become a recurring event for each semester’s Creative Writing class. This event is free and open to the public and will take place 7 p.m. Friday Dec. 1 at S&S ArtisanContinue Reading
Ryia LeBeau, Two Kettle Band of the Thithunwan (People of the Plains) in South Dakota. Photo by Straighthead photography As seen with ribbon skirts, belts from Northern Native American Tribes are worn in times of a celebration, ceremony, or a girl’s first moon meaning her becoming a woman. These piecesContinue Reading
Back in March, over 20 students from Haskell Indian Nations University attended the 2023 AIHEC conference that was held in Albuquerque NM. It was before the pandemic when Haskell Indian Nations University had attended the previous AIHEC conference. The American Indian Higher Education Consortium supports and promotes agriculture, indigenous foodContinue Reading