
Yá’át’ééh shik’éí dóó shidine’é. Shí éí Tara Roanhorse yinishyé, bilagáana nishłį́ tsi’naajinii bashishchiin bilagáana dashicheii tó dích’íi’nii dashinalí. Ákót’éego diné asdzáán nishłį́. Hello, my friends and my relatives. My name is Tara Roanhorse and I am serving my second term as vice president of the Indian Leader. In this role,Continue Reading


 Osiyo and Salam Alaikum, hello, and peace be upon you! I am a first-generation college student studying for my bachelor’s degree in Indigenous and American Indian Studies, with an associate’s in Media Communication. With these degrees, I hope to make my way into the Bureau of Indian Affairs one dayContinue Reading


Meet The Editor-In-Chief Allison Levering- Winnebago/Omaha Tribe of Nebraska Hanac, Hinikaragiwi! Hoocak Rasra Maakewinga Hiingire. Maixete rasra Allison Levering ga Hiingire. Huc Hikikarac wa’u’jena. Nisoc eja Haci howajena.  Hello everyone! I greet you all with a warm heart. My name is Allison Levering, and I’m a 20-year-old sophomore at HaskellContinue Reading


Photo coverage By: Allison Levering Written by: Allison Levering Co-Writer: Emmalee Fields LAWRENCE, KS  On the evening of Monday, September 30th, 2024, The Haskell student body gathered at the sacred fireplace lit by guidance counselor Manny King near the auditorium and was led in a prayer and invocation by Dr.Continue Reading


From October 3-5, 2024, the Haskell Indian Nation’s University AISES chapter will participate in the annual national conference in San Antonio, Texas. A dedicated group of nine students will represent Haskell, eager to engage with peers and professionals in science and engineering.  Founded in 1977 by Native scientists, engineers, andContinue Reading


You tell me you’re fine, but I know it’s a lie. You know you can call me anytime, ‘cause I don’t mind. Anytime you need to or to just go for a walk– I am here for you. Here for you, no matter what you go through. So, if youContinue Reading


 On Sept. 21 and 22, 2024, the Haskell Indian Nations University, Southern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes hosted a Bison Harvest and Cookout on the university’s powwow grounds. The exciting event was postponed from last year to now, but it was definitely worth the wait. It was open to the public,Continue Reading


My momma’s son can’t be replaced by none.Momma’s pride and joy ’cause I’m your boy.Making your light shine as they cut me from the vine.Put me in your arms, where I knew I was safe from harm.Stopped all of my crying cause I acted like I was dying.Dying to beContinue Reading


Coffin complex is bustling with the noise of eager new and returning Haskell students for Highlight Night, Tuesday, Sept. 10 — opportunities offered by on-campus clubs or local Lawrence organizations.  Highlight Night occurs semesterly on campus. Since the university’s reopening during the COVID-19 epidemic, the activity night was held atContinue Reading

In this image, there are three people in what looks to be a classroom setting. On the left stands a man in a blue, button-up shirt with black glasses. In the middle, a woman sits in front of a computer in a maroon tshirt smiling at the screen. On the right side of the image is a young lady in a bright pink tshirt, holding a pink piece of paper. Credit: Indian Leader/Emmitt Brazille

During the beginning of Summer courses at Haskell Indian Nations University, various activities and workshops, such as the weaving classes, are taught. One of these new sessions this summer was the coding camp, which took place in Blue Eagle Hall in the evenings on three separate Thursdays. Brian Wika, aContinue Reading


Statement from the staff: This opinion piece reflects only the cross country members who have signed and written the letter, not the entire team. For privacy, the names of the signed student-athletes have been edited out, and the other student-athletes mentioned. “Some people have been asking, ‘Why have the HaskellContinue Reading

Angelica Henson (Comanche/Kiowa) Kee ohn day daw, everyone! My name is Angelica Henson (she/her). I’m Kiowa and Comanche, 21 years old and a junior at Haskell studying pre-med. I’ve already received my Associate Degree in Natural Sciences and am on my way to earning a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science! I’veContinue Reading

On September 28, 2024, Haskell Indian Nations University welcomed students, athletes, clubs,  and community members into the fall semester! The Lawrence community filled the Haskell Powwow Grounds with honor to remember Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) victims across Tribal Nations. Head Lady Dancer Allison Levering and family sponsored a Red Dress SpecialContinue Reading