Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) filled the vacant university president position after over a year of interim presidents. Candidate Ronald Graham Ed.D., Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma, broke the news on Facebook updating his occupation to President of HINU on May 11th and made an appearance on campus the following day.

The Bureau of Indian Education released their official statement announcing Graham as HINU president May 15th. BIE director Dearman said “Dr. Graham comes with tremendous skills and abilities not only in educational programs, but also in focusing on diversity and inclusion in education. Dr. Graham is passionate about soliciting and using input from stakeholders and fostering a team environment to create success. His leadership style will provide the platform necessary for Haskell’s current dedicated staff to be part of team decisions that will move Haskell forward.”
Graham will be relocating from California and visited HINU for the vacant position back in fall. Graham wrote on social media “I fell in love with this university, faculty, staff, and students when I visited there… This school does so much with so little. It is a direct stepping stone for our Native American [and Alaska Native] students who attend there and achieve their aspirations upon graduation.”
Graham received his Doctor of Education in 1995 at the University of San Francisco in Organization and Leadership; International Multicultural Education. Graham is a former dean of Victor Valley College and has experience with four other universities. Other occupations have included realtor, pilot, deputy sheriff, police academy coordinator, security training coordinator, and law enforcement professional.
Article Updated May 30 to match print newspaper article which now includes BIE statements. Original story ran May 12.