Haskell Library Takes Action On Art From Past Faculty Member
By Kayla Bointy Action has been taken since Indian Leader’s previous story entitled “ Does Artistic Merit Outweigh the Artist’s Crimes?’’ by Travis Campbell was published. The article brought attention to the ethical issue of a past faculty member, Don Secondine, who in 2009 sentenced to seven years in stateContinue Reading
Remembering Trevor Mohawk
A few weeks ago, Trevor Mohawk, a Haskell alum was shot and killed just a couple blocks from his house in Lawrence. Mohawk, 32 had graduated from Haskell and after attaining his degree, continued to reside in Lawrence. Originally from Wisconsin, he worked at the Jefferson’s Bar and Grill onContinue Reading
Meet the Haskell Students Running for Student Senate
President Candidates- I am Lindsey Beth Robinson, a member of the Wah-Zha-Zhi (Osage) Nations, a sister, a colleague, and a leader for change. I was born and raised in Denver Colorado and moved to Kansas my senior year of high school. I graduated from Blue Valley North High School inContinue Reading
May 2018: Volume 121 – Issue 6
Haskell Indigenous Empowerment Summit 2018 Continues tradition
By Mark Morales The Haskell Empowerment Summit Committees is hosting its annual Indigenous Empowerment Summit scheduled for Saturday May 5th. This summit has been organized almost every semester since its creation in 2008 by Willow Jack, Haskell Indigenous and American Indian Studies alumni. Past events held have taken on manyContinue Reading
Why it is Time to let the Indian Go
by Joseph Singh Calling Indigenous people “Indian” is like calling Europeans “Japanese”. The label is erroneous and condescending. The origin of the slur comes from Christopher Columbus who mistook the American continent for India. He then labeled the inhabitants “Indians”. Perhaps it was because of the pigmentation of the Natives.Continue Reading
TRIO SSS Takes Goes to the National Student Leadership Diversity Convention (NSLDC)
by Tiffany Blevins On Thursday April 5 th 2018 a chosen 8 of the Haskell TRIO students (including the two student interns) and 2 Haskell TRIO staff, set off for Chicago Illinois to attend the National Student Leadership Diversity Convention (NSLDC). The conference was hosted by the Marriott Hotel ofContinue Reading
Tiff’s Two Cents
by Tiffany Blevins “The Power of Choice” I was standing in line waiting to accept my scholarship check and discussing with my friend about the week I just had. In the last week I had received two accomplishments through my art, went on a trip to Chicago with the TRIOContinue Reading
Career Fair
by Chris Talkalai What are you going to do after school? Finishing up school can be a tough decision after completing your requirements. Figuring out what you want to be, and how to get there. And that’s what career fair offered at Haskell. Booths with career opportunities for students toContinue Reading
Haunted Haskell
by Joseph Singh The ghosts of Haskell Indian Nations University are sacred. The spirits of students and alumni alike have been sighted in various places on campus. There is a woman who reportedly frequents the basement of Pocahontas Hall, a dormitory for freshmen female students. A cloaked figure has been reportedContinue Reading