Editor’s Note: This recipe contains alcohol. Please make sure you’re above the legal drinking age before you use it and don’t forget that alcohol isn’t allowed on the HINU campus. Please bake responsibly! Pie crust: To make the crust, Place flour and butter into the freezer for 30 minutes beforeContinue Reading

2 cups Raw Pumpkin Seeds 2 cloves Garlic (minced) 1 Tbsp. Seasoning salt 1 tsp. Olive Oil 1 tsp. Pepper 1 pinch. Paprika 1. Soak Pumpkin Seeds in water with a pinch of salt(optional). Let soak for 5 mins. 2. Drain Seeds after 5 minutes, place in paper towel/towel andContinue Reading

Men’s BasketballNov. 20th, 1000 points club, Byron Elledge (Kiowa), Senior Women’s BasketballNAIA DII: Tiana Gullory (Navajo) #1, 3-pt (10) #1, total points (68) #3, total steals NAIA DII, Independent Conference Janee Bates, Senior #3 overall Sierra Penn #15, total steals Cross CountryA.I.I. Cross country girl of the week. Sept. 9thContinue Reading

Haskell Students from the Advanced GIS and GPS class with the help of Dr. Stephenie Willis attended the 18th annual GIS Day at the Kansas University Union on November 13th. Two groups of students participated in the Poster competition presenting posters on Surviving Haskell Indian Nations University and Lawrence, whichContinue Reading

The Haskell Handweavers, a club founded earlier this semester with the goal of bringing a community of weavers together and offering peer mentorship projects, looks to a brighter future with Haskell’s USDA-Extension Program. The club, whose focus this semester was on fingerweaving and coil basketry decided to work with Haskell’sContinue Reading

Signs are going up all around campus, but that’s not all that’s catching peoples attention. Students and faculty have brought spelling errors found in the signs up to administrators showing concern for the image of the Haskell campus. What started off as a discussion over Navarre Hall being labeled asContinue Reading

Haskell Off Campus Club and SGA teamed up with the Haskell Foundation to present the Winter Social that was held on November 23rd. The community came together for a give-away where many foods, drinks, toiletries, and clothing were handed out to students and community members in need. Later in theContinue Reading

European beauty standards tend to be the mold for most major cosmetic brands. Inclusion and diversity within the marketing and advertising aspect of the industry lacked in representation of many races and ethnicities including Indigenous People. Instead of continuing to wait for proper Indigenous inclusion and representation, the following companiesContinue Reading

Students at Haskell Indian Nations University have been waiting for their award letters and many are wondering why the process is taking so long for some of them? HINU student Kaitlen White said, “Ever since financial aid has moved to Stidham Hall the process of receiving award letters and pellContinue Reading

I was just a normal man, nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be destined for my life and with that I was content. I never feared the unknown since I never took the time to consider it, till one day… There was the latest breaking news crackling from theContinue Reading