A total of ten alumni women showed up to play and quickly split into teams. The ladies were laughing and having fun while running up and down the court. They had a friendly crowd to cheer them on; some even brought their families. An excellent game to watch which endedContinue Reading

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Life is teaching you lessons Aquarius. Accept them. Learn from them. It may seem difficult now, but this too shall pass. The rewards are given when earned. Keep your head up and know that success is yours as long as you keep going.   PiscesContinue Reading

Editor’s note: Please note that this autobiographical piece by one of our staff writers contains mature themes that involve mentions of depres- sion, suicide, racism, sub- stance abuse, nudity, prison, and sexual assault.. I was not trying to commit suicide, I just wanted to see if I could be hurt. Continue Reading

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Stay focused. The summer is sizzling down, but that does not mean you have too. Make a plan for fall and execute it with continued vigor. Keep your eyes open for unlikely friends.   Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Your life is amazing! RememberContinue Reading