HINU Pandemic Response Summary
March 12 — Haskell Indian Nations University students received their first of many directives from the university regarding their COVID-19 pandemic response. This email set into motion many questions and further university policies to act on the changing climate of the pandemic. The email extended spring break an additional weekContinue Reading
2020 Census
Many students have been displaced as a result of universities closing their campuses in efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. This is all taking place right as the US Census Bureau is completing the 2020 census. It is important for students to know how they will be counted andContinue Reading
When Home Isn’t “Home”
Haskell Indian Nations University recently came under fire after releasing a statement documenting an on-campus student’s self-reported positive test result for COVID-19. The public wanted to know why these students weren’t “home” when weeks earlier HINU provided both financial and personal support to get students back to their families. ThisContinue Reading
The Haskell Glow-Up Coalition
The Experience of attending Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) is comparable to no other. There are many factors that go into this experience. The unique academic, and social atmosphere make up a good portion, but there is also a great deal to be said about the surroundings. The HINU campus,Continue Reading
Jude Thin Elk
The news of our very own hits tremendously for Haskell Indian Nations University’s community, but directions towards healing and rejoicing need to be lionized. On March 16th, 2020 the HINU campus experienced and received word of what no one wishes to hear, our beloved relative and Haskell student Jude ThinContinue Reading
Lifting Spirits through Virtual Powwows
Even though we may be miles apart, we are closer than ever. With the touch of our fingertips, people from around the world have access to interact and lately have been doing so even more. With the newest pandemic, COVID-19, stay-at-home orders and social distancing have been recommended from ourContinue Reading
Erdrich Visits Haskell
March 11 — There was a reason for Haskell Indian Nations University students to stay in Lawrence over spring break. Lawrence welcomed acclaimed Ojibwe author Louise Erdrich. Erdrich graced HINU’s Auditorium stage with a reading of her latest novel, The Night Watchman, which is based on her grandfather and hisContinue Reading
Shining Elk Productions Presents its Virtual talking Circle to Haskell Students Amid Isolation
During these times amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the only certain thing we’ve had is uncertainty. Uncertainty of this virus and the endless influx of changing news reveals how much we rely on stability. From this uncertainty grows a need for something to remain constant and this need has been answeredContinue Reading
Indigenizing Face Masks
When there is a will, there is a way. Multiple orders from across the U.S. have instructed individuals to wear face masks in conjunction with taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In some cases, these orders will be followed through with penalties when not in compliance. The cityContinue Reading
April Horoscopes
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Make a homemade meal and take a bath. Doing the small and simple things will keep you grounded and content. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Life is happening in waves. Balance and perseverance are key. Great tasks await with greater rewards to follow.Continue Reading