Blood Quantum?
What does it mean to be Native? Well, most would think feathers, pow wows, drumming and living in teepees. Now Natives are all different; we come from different tribes and blood quantum. But we have been letting the idea of Blood Quantum control our ideas of what “Native” is. WeContinue Reading
Away From Home – Update
Part 2 — The National Endowment for the Humanities, “Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories” has opened the conversation between this generation and the previous generation about what occurred during the time of the Boarding School Era. Which is where we start to ask our grandparents about whatContinue Reading
I Was So Sure This Day Would Come
I Was So Sure This Day Would Come I was so sure this day would come. The day I were to turn my tassel Was going to be the day of my accomplishments. This day to come was foreseen, Just as a rumbling storm begins to crawl across the horizon. Continue Reading
Sports Awards
Association of Independent Institutions(A.I.I.) Awards Women’s Basketball: First Team A.I.I. Conference: Janee Bates, Senior Honorable Mention A.l.l. Conference: Odessa Begay, Freshman Champion of Character: Janee Bates, Senior Men’s Basketball: First Team A.l.l. Conference: Nakia Hendricks, Senior Honorable Mention A.l.l. Conference: Bryon Elledge, Senior Champion of Character: Elias Her Many Horses,Continue Reading
Sweet Garlic Salmon
Ingredients 1 filet salmon 1/2 yellow onion 3 cloves garlic 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 butter salt crushed chili pepper fresh rosemary tin foil Instructions Wash salmon and cut in to serving size pieces Place each piece of salmon on its own piece of tinfoil that can fold over andContinue Reading
Vacant HINU President Spot Filled
Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) filled the vacant university president position after over a year of interim presidents. Candidate Ronald Graham Ed.D., Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma, broke the news on Facebook updating his occupation to President of HINU on May 11th and made an appearance on campus the following day.Continue Reading
Student Safety Jeopardized by Violation of Fifth Amendment
A Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) student was vacated from the university dorms during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic over allegations of intimidation and harassment of a Haskell employee without due process to appeal the decision. HINU athlete Russell Parker received a HINU Action Notice for an Emergency LevelContinue Reading
HINU Pandemic Response Summary
March 12 — Haskell Indian Nations University students received their first of many directives from the university regarding their COVID-19 pandemic response. This email set into motion many questions and further university policies to act on the changing climate of the pandemic. The email extended spring break an additional weekContinue Reading
2020 Census
Many students have been displaced as a result of universities closing their campuses in efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. This is all taking place right as the US Census Bureau is completing the 2020 census. It is important for students to know how they will be counted andContinue Reading
When Home Isn’t “Home”
Haskell Indian Nations University recently came under fire after releasing a statement documenting an on-campus student’s self-reported positive test result for COVID-19. The public wanted to know why these students weren’t “home” when weeks earlier HINU provided both financial and personal support to get students back to their families. ThisContinue Reading