HINU Represented on the Front Lines of BLM
A new age awakens one of the biggest movements in civil rights history as countries around the world unify by taking a stand. Protestors are taking to the streets over the corrupt systematic issue of police brutality — specifically for African Americans. The Black Lives Matter Foundation Inc was establishedContinue Reading
Haskell Campus Shop Going Online
The Haskell Campus Shop plans on opening an online version of their store in the near future. “My intern and I have been working on getting an online store going this summer. We’re getting very close to having it up and ready to go,” stated Lonnie Stroud. Lonnie is aContinue Reading
Renovations for the Environmental Science Department
It might have been decades ago since the Environmental Science Department has last seen significant changes to the classroom settings, laboratories, and field storage areas. Here on the Haskell Indian Nations University (HIINU) campus, the four-year degree Environmental Science program is getting a make-over. Sequoyah Hall has encountered some renovationsContinue Reading
Trust Issues with the Department of Interior
By Bradley Billy and Jamie Colvin The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, located in Massachusetts, has been a part of the tribal reservation system since 2007, but their sovereignty may be threatened by the U.S. government. The tribe sits on 321 acres worth of land held in trust by the government. AnContinue Reading
Increased Screen Time and Possible Outcomes
Since the rise of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that reached Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) in early March of 2020, people have been requested to limit in-person contact, limit social distance, and restrain from large group gatherings. Within the United States, there have been multiple orders varying from state toContinue Reading
Intentions of Identity
Oral tradition is an ongoing legacy of strength, identity, and way of life that is passed down from generation to generation of Indigenous people. There was a time when all of our Indigenous ancestors stepped on turtle island, stepped on this earth from all walks of life. We have learnedContinue Reading
The Best Time to Come
The Best Time to Come Gathering of relatives from across the nation Unity of dancers, singers, water runners and spectators We all know this is the best time to come Pulling up in the car, I hear the drums The heartbeat that thrives the soul Approaching the circle I pickContinue Reading
IL Writers Graduate
Joseph Singh and Jamie Colvin are leaving legacies as Indian Leader staff writers behind after completing their bachelors degrees over the summer semester. Singh has written many stories for the Haskell Indian Nations University’s (HINU) student newspaper — roughly 40 articles and around 23,000 words! Singh’s articles have included commentaries,Continue Reading
The Case for Abolition
In the wake of mass uprisings across America due to police killings of Black Americans, the public has appealed to reformist strategies to address the violence. However, the problem is not police training. The problem is not diversity in law enforcement. The problem is not that law enforcement needs toContinue Reading
It’s Not Just $475
As a student at Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) I don’t want my concerns swept under the rug because “it’s just $475”, and “where are you going to find a better deal for your education?” This kind of thinking shouldn’t be used to invalidate student concerns. Students at HINU haveContinue Reading