A Legacy 124 Years Old
Mar. 6, 1897 (Lawrence) — “The Leader makes its first appearance in public modestly, even shyly. But having a mission to perform gives even youthful and modest persons courage. The chief mission of the Leader is to carry greetings from Haskell Institute to former pupils who have returned to theirContinue Reading
Spring Aid
Direct deposits of $1,000 are showing up in student bank accounts today as part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) which passed in January 2021. The aid comes as Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) approaches a full year of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. InContinue Reading
Graham Walks Back Policy on Pronouns
Feb. 18, 2021 — Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) received a directive from the Bureau of Indian Education containing new bureau guidelines regarding email signatures, practicable at the discretion of HINU president, Ronald Graham, EdD. In addition to the included template, the directive said, “Please refrain from including quotes orContinue Reading
COVID-19 Vaccinations for HINU’s Native Community “Aggressively Expanding”
Native American and Alaska Native communities nationwide have disproportionally been impacted by COVID-19 according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In Douglas County, the Native community is experiencing COVID-19 case rates 24% higher than the lawrence community’s total average according to data by Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health.Continue Reading
HINU Summer 2020 Graduates
Congratulations HINU Summer Graduate Class of 2020! 2-Year Degrees Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts Natalya Smiley B. McMillian Associate of Arts, Social Work Nicole Charley Associate of Science, Recreation and Fitness Management Terris Trey Fields 4-Year Degrees Bachelor of Arts, Indigenous and American Indian Studies Hailee Vera Birdtail, Cum LaudeContinue Reading
Audit of KUCR Questions Over $800K in HINU Subaward Expenses
The University of Kansas Center of Research, Inc. (KUCR) is undergoing a 6-month resolution period after the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Inspector General (OIG) delivered a final audit report questioning $1,550,054 in direct and indirect costs claimed by KUCR on their Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)Continue Reading
Fall 2020 Graduates
Congratulations HINU Fall Graduate Class of 2020! 2-Year Degrees Associate of Arts, Communication Studies Jakoby Stump William Wilkinson, Cum Laude Associate of Arts, Media Communication Sarah-Pearl Hall Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts Tristian Antonio, Cum Laude Tiffany Berryhill, Magna Cum Laude Joseph Cesspooch, Cum Laude Kylee Coulston Taiyah Duran RandyContinue Reading
Demolition Promises New “One Stop Shop” for Students
Jan. 6, 2021 — Demolition began as part of President Ronald Graham’s promise to create a new “Student One Stop Shop”. Haskell Indian Nations University’s East and West Portable Buildings were demolished to make way for three new additions. Mona Franklin, Public Information Officer, said the old buildings were beingContinue Reading
Native Themed Sports Mascots Still Prevalent in Kansas High Schools
In 2012, MaxPreps reported that “Indians” was the #4 most popular mascot for Kansas high schools. Today, nearly 1 out of every 10 schools in the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) appropriates Native imagery or culture. It’s not just the schools with “Indians” mascots; it’s also the “Chieftains”,Continue Reading
Haskell Instructor Honored with Mural by Past Student
Muralist Steven Grounds (Navajo & Euchee), a past student at Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU), painted the portraits of the late Vine Deloria, Jr. (Standing Rock Sioux) and Grounds’ past instructor Daniel Wildcat, Ph.D (Euchee) on the walls of Tommaney Hall Library. Grounds had previously painted a mural of JimContinue Reading