Eating healthy
Have you been struggling to eat healthier due to the pandemic? Haskell Indian Nations University professor Judith Gipp gives her input on the topic. “The pandemic is a very challenging and stressful time for many. The stress we experience can impact how we eat, what we eat, when we eat,Continue Reading
$500 in grant aid being distributed to pell-eligible students
Today, Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) announced the amount and disbursement of a Pell Eligible grant for spring pell-eligible students. The $500 payments, which started as early as May 7, are the last of three student aid grants funded by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) distributedContinue Reading
HINU receives third round of federal emergency funds, $1.6M minimum to go to student aid
The American Rescue Plan was signed into law today authorizing the third round of emergency funds for higher education since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) allocates $3.2 million dollars to be awarded to Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) with atContinue Reading
A community-led graduation celebration hosted by Sacred Ground Haskell received a strong turnout
Stepping up to a community need, Sacred Ground Haskell, an outreach of Lutheran Indian Ministries and local community center, organized a graduation celebration to recognize the accomplishments of graduates from both the 2020 and 2021 graduate classes. During the spring 2021 semester, Haskell Indian Nations University canceled graduation ceremonies inContinue Reading
Graham removed from office, Tamarah Pfeiffer new acting president
May 7 — Following an investigation prompted by Haskell Faculty Senate’s vote of no-confidence last month in now-former University President Ronald Graham, Tamarah Pfeiffer (Diné) will immediately assume the role of acting president of Haskell Indian Nations University. An announcement said, “Effective May 7, 2021, Dr. Tamarah Pfeiffer will beContinue Reading
2020 & 2021 Graduate Recognition Video
In Honor of our 2020 & 2021 Haskell Graduates! Onward Haskell! View Graduates and Graduate Candidates Below: Spring 2021 Graduate Candidate List Summer 2021 Graduate Candidate List Spring 2020 Graduate List Summer 2020 Graduate List Fall 2020 Graduate ListContinue Reading
Melanie Daniel subject of second Faculty Senate no-confidence vote
April 30 — The Haskell Faculty Senate passed a second unanimous “vote of no confidence” resolution, this time declaring no confidence in Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) Melanie Daniel. The resolution (No. 2021-02) echos many of the same concerns expressed in the previous no-confidence declaration in Univesity President RonaldContinue Reading
Writing Center dedicated to Smokey McKinney
April 28 — “To have something named after you is pretty damn cool,” said Smokey Mckinney responding to a surprise dedication ceremony for him. At the ceremony, McKinney, an English instructor and founder of the writing center, was presented with a plaque inscribed, “Inspired by Dr. Smokey McKinney’s commitment toContinue Reading
Summer 2021 graduate candidates
Congratulations HINU Graduate Class of 2021! 2-Year Degrees Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts Nicole Shaye Ankney Bailey Mackenzie Field Tylen Alexandra Garcia Kathryn Alexis Tso Associate of Arts, Para-Professional Education Justine Amber Butterfield 4-Year Degrees Bachelor of Arts, Indigenous and American Indian Studies Sherry Kathy Williams Bachelor of Science, EnvironmentalContinue Reading
Spring 2021 graduate candidates
Congratulations HINU Graduate Class of 2021! 2-Year Degrees Associate of Arts, Communication Studies Daryn Berryhill Cheyenne Rose Tomhave Raeven Rae Wishteyah Associate of Arts, Media Communication Alexander Manygoats Jr. Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts Amanda Antone Mary Sophia Bighorn Kayla Marie Bointy Namakesah Corn Dominique Laurie Demmert Marcus Dogskin KevinContinue Reading