by Joseph Singh Calling Indigenous people “Indian” is like calling Europeans “Japanese”. The label is erroneous and condescending. The origin of the slur comes from Christopher Columbus who mistook the American continent for India. He then labeled the inhabitants “Indians”. Perhaps it was because of the pigmentation of the Natives.Continue Reading

by Tiffany Blevins “The Power of Choice” I was standing in line waiting to accept my scholarship check and discussing with my friend about the week I just had. In the last week I had received two accomplishments through my art, went on a trip to Chicago with the TRIOContinue Reading

by Joseph Singh The ghosts of Haskell Indian Nations University are sacred. The spirits of students and alumni alike have been sighted in various places on campus. There is a woman who reportedly frequents the basement of Pocahontas Hall, a dormitory for freshmen female students. A cloaked figure has been reportedContinue Reading

by Tiffany Blevins Love Thy Neighbor as thyself. The Golden Rule is the basis for many well known religions and philosophies in which to live a better life. However a lot of people only remember the “love they neighbor part.” I find that being loving towards my neighbor is aContinue Reading

by Tiffany Blevins “The Best Laid Plans..of mice and men often go awry.” A saying adapted from Robert Burn’s Poem “To a Mouse” which was written in 1785 but still applicable for today. In a generation where procrastination is a common culprit of unfufilled plans, that was not the caseContinue Reading