By Marcus Ruff Photo Credit: Ryan Vizzions As the world stood in awe at the movement unfolding on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation- the images of armored vehicles, sonic weapons, automatic rifles, and attack dogs- some began to wonder: when did law enforcement begin to resemble the U.S. military? From FergusonContinue Reading

by Joseph Singh Calling Indigenous people “Indian” is like calling Europeans “Japanese”. The label is erroneous and condescending. The origin of the slur comes from Christopher Columbus who mistook the American continent for India. He then labeled the inhabitants “Indians”. Perhaps it was because of the pigmentation of the Natives.Continue Reading

by Tiffany Blevins “The Power of Choice” I was standing in line waiting to accept my scholarship check and discussing with my friend about the week I just had. In the last week I had received two accomplishments through my art, went on a trip to Chicago with the TRIOContinue Reading