Oral tradition is an ongoing legacy of strength, identity, and way of life that is passed down from generation to generation of Indigenous people. There was a time when all of our Indigenous ancestors stepped on turtle island, stepped on this earth from all walks of life. We have learnedContinue Reading

In the wake of mass uprisings across America due to police killings of Black Americans, the public has appealed to reformist strategies to address the violence. However, the problem is not police training. The problem is not diversity in law enforcement. The problem is not that law enforcement needs toContinue Reading

As a student at Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) I don’t want my concerns swept under the rug because “it’s just $475”, and “where are you going to find a better deal for your education?” This kind of thinking shouldn’t be used to invalidate student concerns. Students at HINU haveContinue Reading

What does it mean to be Native? Well, most would think feathers, pow wows, drumming and living in teepees. Now Natives are all different; we come from different tribes and blood quantum. But we have been letting the idea of Blood Quantum control our ideas of what “Native” is. WeContinue Reading

If you have seen James Cameron’s “Avatar” then you have seen this movie, which only goes to show how unoriginal James Cameron is. Speaking of pretentious filmmakers, Kevin Costner is in this movie! He stars in and directs this movie. So it was his decision to show his bare buttContinue Reading

I liked this movie more than The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi, but just because something doesn’t suck, doesn’t mean it is good. “Jar Jar” Abrams is the king of making mediocrity seem like art. The movie is colorful, flashy, and sometimes cute, but there was not enough substanceContinue Reading

Red racism is more than just a football game — it’s systemic and the attitudes of professional sports teams and fans are an indicator of disproportionate racial issues Native Americans face outside of the stadium. According to the National Congress of American Indians’ website, the NCAI has been fighting againstContinue Reading

To keep students at Haskell until they complete their two year or four-year degrees, I would recommend uniting student life and offering a wider variety of bachelor degrees.  In order to attract students here until their graduations I would suggest having a Master’s Degree program, Changing the name of theContinue Reading