
On November 12, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 office welcomed students from Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) for the 3rd Annual Haskell Day at EPA. The event brought together students and EPA leaders to build connections, explore career opportunities, and deepen the partnership between the two organizations.Continue Reading

Uriah Little Hoop Presents a sideshow in the HINU Auditorium

Uriah Little Hoop 11/13/2024 Oglala Sicangu Lakota and Dine Tribes Alliance, Nebraska Uriah Little Hoop kicked off her presentation at Haskell Auditorium by speaking in Lakota and acknowledging the Haskell seminar class, whose members had just presented their Haskell Legacy projects. She then shared her personal journey of cultural discoveryContinue Reading


Oklahoma’s in-person early voting occurred this past week, just days before Election Day– starting on October 30, 2024, and ending on November 2, 2024. The turnout has been reported to have surpassed the 2020 election, with record-breaking numbers of 292,684 early voters who attended in person. As for mail-in ballots,Continue Reading


\ Photo coverage by: Alysah Carpenter The Indigenous community and its diverse tribes have cultivated numerous essential foods that have supported their resilience and prosperity over the years. Among these, blue corn stands out as a staple food cherished by many tribes. Blue cornmeal, a finely ground meal made fromContinue Reading


Kyla Williams (Sac & Fox of Oklahoma, Muscogee Creek, Absentee Shawnee) Aho, Kyla Williams neteshith. Owîkiwa Okonohômîheki, othâkîwa kêhi kepâtethiwa thâkiwâtowêweni. Hello, my name is Kyla Williams. I live in Oklahoma City, am Sac and Fox of Oklahoma, Muscogee Creek, and Absentee Shawnee, and am slowly learning the Sauk language.Continue Reading