How many institutions can boast over 150 nations attending their university? Acting President Dan Wildcat, PhD. frames Haskell Indian Nations University as an “inter-nation-al” institution made up of the diverse tribal nations of Haskell’s students. Haskell is looking to add to student diversity through an exchange partnership with Te WhareContinue Reading

A small group of Indigenous students gathered in peaceful protest at the Kansas City Chiefs home game at Arrowhead stadium on November 3. The group consisted of Haskell Indian Nations University students : Junior Laravie, Broderick Roberts, Alisha Numan, Kayla Bointy and one KU student and HINU Alumni, Michael Redbear.Continue Reading

After previous rounds of interviews for the vacant president position, Haskell is now on its third round of candidates. Candidates Wayne Johnson, Phd. Neil Wayne, Trottier, Phd., and Craig A. Morroquín, Phd. addressed the Haskell community with presentations on “Why I Want to be President of Haskell.” Johnson’s speech focusedContinue Reading

Check your emails! After student prompting, Haskell’s IT department audited the “Student Email List” adding names that may not have been receiving campus wide emails this semester. Students who have previously not received emails from Steve Prue about campus events, scholarship opportunities, and campus alerts should now be seeing messagesContinue Reading

Haskell Students from the Advanced GIS and GPS class with the help of Dr. Stephenie Willis attended the 18th annual GIS Day at the Kansas University Union on November 13th. Two groups of students participated in the Poster competition presenting posters on Surviving Haskell Indian Nations University and Lawrence, whichContinue Reading

The Haskell Handweavers, a club founded earlier this semester with the goal of bringing a community of weavers together and offering peer mentorship projects, looks to a brighter future with Haskell’s USDA-Extension Program. The club, whose focus this semester was on fingerweaving and coil basketry decided to work with Haskell’sContinue Reading

Signs are going up all around campus, but that’s not all that’s catching peoples attention. Students and faculty have brought spelling errors found in the signs up to administrators showing concern for the image of the Haskell campus. What started off as a discussion over Navarre Hall being labeled asContinue Reading

Haskell Off Campus Club and SGA teamed up with the Haskell Foundation to present the Winter Social that was held on November 23rd. The community came together for a give-away where many foods, drinks, toiletries, and clothing were handed out to students and community members in need. Later in theContinue Reading

Wes Studi is a common name in many Indigenous households across the U.S. and Canada. Throughout his career, he has represented many tribal nations and spoken many tribal languages in over 80 films and TV productions. After challenging the Hollywood stereotype through his character portrayals, Studi has made Oscar historyContinue Reading

Ian Gambill, a senior in the Environmental Science Program at Haskell Indian Nations University and proud Dine’ (Navajo), brought pride to the HINU campus with his poster on ‘Characterizing Hyporheic Extent Using Electrical Resistivity and Concentration Breakthrough Curves.’ Gambill won first place at the Great Plains/Rocky Mountains Division of AmericanContinue Reading