On April 11, the Indian Leader published an article on the Haskell Alumni Association’s decision to select Russell Bradley as their “Outstanding Alumnus 2019” and his invitation to the Spring 2019 Commencement Ceremony. The Leader reported that Bradley, according to an article by MSC News, was dismissed from his positionContinue Reading

Congratulations to Haskell Indian Leader students for their awards received from the Native American Journalists Association 2018 Native Media Awards. In addition to the awards, Indian Leader editor, Hunter Hotulke, Seminole, was selected as a Native American Journalist fellow for the 2018 conference in Miami, Florida. Congratulations to all ourContinue Reading

By Kayla Bointy Action has been taken since Indian Leader’s previous story entitled “ Does Artistic Merit Outweigh the Artist’s Crimes?’’ by Travis Campbell  was published. The article brought attention to the ethical issue of a past faculty member, Don Secondine, who in 2009 sentenced to seven years in stateContinue Reading

By Mark Morales The Haskell Empowerment Summit Committees is hosting its annual Indigenous Empowerment Summit scheduled for Saturday May 5th. This summit has been organized almost every semester since its creation in 2008 by Willow Jack, Haskell Indigenous and American Indian Studies alumni. Past events held have taken on manyContinue Reading

By Sean Parrish A panel of Native American professional athletes spoke to Haskell students on how sports can help improve issues facing the Native community. The Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality (RISE) held the event that was their first to specifically highlight the Native American community. The panelists consistedContinue Reading