Signs are going up all around campus, but that’s not all that’s catching peoples attention. Students and faculty have brought spelling errors found in the signs up to administrators showing concern for the image of the Haskell campus. What started off as a discussion over Navarre Hall being labeled asContinue Reading

Ian Gambill, a senior in the Environmental Science Program at Haskell Indian Nations University and proud Dine’ (Navajo), brought pride to the HINU campus with his poster on ‘Characterizing Hyporheic Extent Using Electrical Resistivity and Concentration Breakthrough Curves.’ Gambill won first place at the Great Plains/Rocky Mountains Division of AmericanContinue Reading

Haskell Indian Nations University has made a significant step forward within the local community. As a symbol of the continuing partnership between HINU and the City of Lawrence, the city commission passed a proclamation recognizing its “long and historic relationship with indigenous peoples of Lawrence.” University Student Government Association (SGA)Continue Reading