By Allison Levering On Wednesday, February 28th, Kylie Standingwater (Miss Haskell 23′-24) hosted a southern-style line dancing workshop at Tecumseh Hall on the Haskell Campus. It was a rockin’ evening of shuffling and swaying with a lineup of timeless line-dancing hits. With a great turnout this time around, Kylie plansContinue Reading

The Step by Step project began their state-wide initiative of hosting conversations on the climate change crisis and how individuals can become involved. On June 9th, 2022, their first event was held at the auditorium at the Haskell Indian Nations University with various members of the Lawrence community in attendance.Continue Reading

March 22 — Keynote Speaker Daniel Wildcat, a professor of Indigenous and American Indian studies at Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU), opened up his address with a land acknowledgment, a theme brought by Indigenous presenters to the 2021 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Virtual Conference. Wildcat, a YuchiContinue Reading