“It’s just wrong, you know? It’s, like, decades and decades of just stomping on Haskell and twisting the knife, as far as no justice for indigenous people in Lawrence,” said Courtney King.  According to a university statement, Baker University has been approached by a private investment firm interested in purchasingContinue Reading

By Emmitt Brazille The University of Kansas Pow Wow-FNSA (First Nations Student Association) kicked off great! There were many Native vendors with food and beverages for the whole day. The event was open to the whole Lawrence community, and the powwow was entire all day. Vendors from many areas, localContinue Reading

By Emmitt Brazille On Monday, April 22, 2024, Haskell’s USDA Extension Program hosted a destress event for students in Tommaney Library. For part of the destress activities this week to help students relax during finals week, Haskell students Heidi Thomas and Quinn Norris proposed bringing nature to the students. BothContinue Reading

On Thursday, February 15, 2024, Haskell’s Gamma Delta Pi chapter hosted a storytime for local kids to attend with their families. The event in Haskell’s Tommaney Library allowed families to bring their children to hear various books by Indigenous authors. At this event, hosted by Gamma Delta Pi’s Delta chapter,Continue Reading