Lonnie Stroud is a Recreation Assistant here at Haskell currently assigned to a staff position at the campus shop, Purple Threads. The following interview was conducted to familiarize campus with Lonnie as well as inform staff, students, alumni, and others about the campus shop and its upcoming sale. How longContinue Reading

Shirley LeClair-Bernal Shirley LeClair-Bernal is Shoshone- Bannock from Fort Hall, Idaho now living on campus at Haskell Indian Nations University. She will be graduating from the Environmental Science Program receiving her Bachelor of Science degree. She first arrived at Haskell in the Fall 2015 semester and received her As- sociateContinue Reading

Shirley David Jimerson Nts’aa diit’eh? Shindu’ iihsoo’ Shirley David Jimerson shoosii’ Teelaiy kootiin iileh’ Bedzey Hot- tanna/Naltsiin tssaan; haaishshah. This is how Shirley David Jimerson introduces herself, saying that she comes from the area known as Tetlin Alaska and came from the Caribou and Raven Clans. Shirley was a littleContinue Reading

Senior Spotlights Blanca Moreno Arriving in the Fall of 2015, Blanca Moreno started her first semester here at Haskell. Moreno is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe living in Wagner, South Dakota. She will be graduating this May with a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in the IndigenousContinue Reading

Dr. Daniel Wildcat is a Yuchi member of the Muscogee Nation and is currently the Acting-President of Haskell Indian Nations University. He will hold this position until March 17, 2019 and presumes returning to his previous position as Acting-Vice President of Academic Affairs. Dr. Wildcat has worked at Haskell forContinue Reading

Dr. Daniel Wildcat is a Yuchi member of the Muscogee Nation and is currently the Acting-President of Haskell Indian Nations University. He will hold this position until March 17, 2019 and presumes returning to his previous position as Acting-Vice President of Academic Affairs. Dr. Wildcat has worked at Haskell forContinue Reading