by Chris Talkalai The name “Redskin” is a term used for Native Americans, but for some, they consider offensive toward Indigenous people. Recently, Haskell premiered the documentary, “More Than a Word.” It expresses the opinions of Native Americans toward the football team named, Washington “Redskins.” John and Kenneth Little documentedContinue Reading

In October 2017 Haskell Indian Nations University was award a $449,985 three year grant through the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). Through the grant, Developing Future Victim Specialists for Indian Country, OVC seeks to further cultivate a workforce focused on providing services to American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN)Continue Reading

by Allen Stephenson Today we welcome six new tribes into Haskell Indian Nations University as they gain Federal recognition! The six tribes in question The Chickahominy, Eastern Chickahominy, Upper Mattaponi, Rappahannock, Monacan, and Nansemond of the Virginia commonwealth have been fighting for their status for the past two decades. ThisContinue Reading

Yá’át’ééh (greetings), – Haskell students, staff faculty, and alumni, and the Haskell Indian Leader readers; Shí éí Bry Cordell Smiley yinishyé – Hałtsooi nishłí, Naakai Diné’é bashíshchíín, Kinyáa’aanii dáshícheii, Tahnees’zahnii dáshínálí – Akó Diné Nádleehí nishłí. [Hello, my name is Bry Cordell Smiley. I am the Meadow People, born forContinue Reading