Yá’át’ééh (greetings), – Haskell students, staff faculty, and alumni, and the Haskell Indian Leader readers; Shí éí Bry Cordell Smiley yinishyé – Hałtsooi nishłí, Naakai Diné’é bashíshchíín, Kinyáa’aanii dáshícheii, Tahnees’zahnii dáshínálí – Akó Diné Nádleehí nishłí. [Hello, my name is Bry Cordell Smiley. I am the Meadow People, born forContinue Reading

  In a 2012 report Haskell had been involved in an academic fraud case involving the Haskell athletic department during 2007 season, what has Haskell done to prevent this from occurring again? The Report Shaun Hittle, reporter for LJWorld.Com, wrote in January of 2013 that an “investigative report from theContinue Reading

The 17th Annual Student Research Symposium was held at Tecumseh hall with over 40 students presenting research posters from Haskell Indian Nations University and the University of Kansas.  According to Professor Estela Gavosto, Director of the Office of Diversity and Science Training, student presenters were from Haskell/KU Bridge Program, KU Initiative forContinue Reading