A Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) 2010 Alumni is currently finding success in the career of film, with his movie “Ramblin’” having featured in the Lift-Off Sessions virtual film festival in May. Christopher Marshall, Muscogee Creek, director and writer of “Ramblin’”, started his journey with film at HINU in hisContinue Reading

Vision Maker Media Assistant Director and Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU) Alumnus, Charlie Perry (Prairie Band Potawatomi) is behind “Nightmare Vision”, the first ever Indigenous horror film festival, showing online October 30-31. Nightmare Vision is a follow up festival to Vision Maker Media’s First Indigenous Online Film Festival which hadContinue Reading

During these times amid the  COVID-19 pandemic, the only certain thing we’ve had is uncertainty. Uncertainty of this virus and the endless influx of changing news reveals how much we rely on stability. From this uncertainty grows a need for something to remain constant and this need has been answeredContinue Reading