“It’s just wrong, you know? It’s, like, decades and decades of just stomping on Haskell and twisting the knife, as far as no justice for indigenous people in Lawrence,” said Courtney King.  According to a university statement, Baker University has been approached by a private investment firm interested in purchasingContinue Reading

By Brandon Colbert With Spring Break just around the corner, if you plan on staying here on campus and want to have fun, here are some events to help keep you entertained just for you! Monday, March 11th: “Cook Out Party” at Tecumseh Hall from 2 pm-End. They will haveContinue Reading

By Allison Levering On Wednesday, February 28th, Kylie Standingwater (Miss Haskell 23′-24) hosted a southern-style line dancing workshop at Tecumseh Hall on the Haskell Campus. It was a rockin’ evening of shuffling and swaying with a lineup of timeless line-dancing hits. With a great turnout this time around, Kylie plansContinue Reading