“It’s just wrong, you know? It’s, like, decades and decades of just stomping on Haskell and twisting the knife, as far as no justice for indigenous people in Lawrence,” said Courtney King.  According to a university statement, Baker University has been approached by a private investment firm interested in purchasingContinue Reading

The Step by Step project began their state-wide initiative of hosting conversations on the climate change crisis and how individuals can become involved. On June 9th, 2022, their first event was held at the auditorium at the Haskell Indian Nations University with various members of the Lawrence community in attendance.Continue Reading

Just south of Lawrence, Kansas is one of the most prolific exhibitions of wildlife in the area. Despite rampant urbanization—further intensified by the South Lawrence Trafficway (SLT)—the Haskell and Baker Wetlands have been a mainstay for numerous wildlife, including migratory birds/butterflies, frogs, and native vegetation.  A recent unveiling of aContinue Reading

Americans make up 5% of the world’s population and consume 26% of the world’s energy according to Point Park University’s “Fun Facts about Sustainability”. Just 5% of the world goes through 26% of the total energy! Ouch, that’s hard to read isn’t it? As reported from the U.S. Census Bureau’sContinue Reading

On October 22nd 23rd, and 24th 2019, Haskell Indian Nations University hosted the Indigenous Just Transition Assembly organized by the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). Over 100 Indigenous leaders and organizers from around the country met to discuss the importance of making a Just Transition from an unfair, capitalistic, and carbon-basedContinue Reading