In this image, there are three people in what looks to be a classroom setting. On the left stands a man in a blue, button-up shirt with black glasses. In the middle, a woman sits in front of a computer in a maroon tshirt smiling at the screen. On the right side of the image is a young lady in a bright pink tshirt, holding a pink piece of paper. Credit: Indian Leader/Emmitt Brazille

During the beginning of Summer courses at Haskell Indian Nations University, various activities and workshops, such as the weaving classes, are taught. One of these new sessions this summer was the coding camp, which took place in Blue Eagle Hall in the evenings on three separate Thursdays. Brian Wika, aContinue Reading

The University of Kansas Pow Wow-FNSA (First Nations Student Association) kicked off great! There were many Native vendors with food and beverages for the whole day. The event was open to the whole Lawrence community, and the powwow was entire all day. Vendors from many areas, local and out ofContinue Reading

On Monday, April 22, 2024, Haskell’s USDA Extension Program hosted a destress event for students in Tommaney Library. For part of the destress activities this week to help students relax during finals week, Haskell students Heidi Thomas and Quinn Norris proposed bringing nature to the students. Both Heidi and QuinnContinue Reading