Week #3 at Haskell
By: Allison Levering

HINU Bits this week
Week 3 Spring 25 (2/3 – 2/7)
Haskell’s new Cedar and Sage Cafe appeared on “Good Morning Indian Country” on Wednesday, February. GMIC Reporters Allison Levering and Shia Blackcloud conducted on-screen interviews with student baristas Tawi Star Comes Out and Kanyon Alexander. Haskell’s Dean of Business Mackie Moore, also gave insight on the new addition to Stidham Union. You can see the full interview and coverage on Facebook or Youtube
@Good Morning Indian Country.

NDN Sports.com – Player of the week- Tierzah Penn – Women’s Basketball Offensive
HINU junior Tierzah Penn was named the Continental Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the Week. Read more at https://continentalathletics.com/aotw/Penn2

The Student Success Center hosted a Tie-dye workshop On Tuesday at Tommaney Library. t-shirts, snacks and drinks were provided at this event by the SSC. Follow Haskell Student Success Center on Facebook for more info.

As of February 10th, Curtis Hall now REQUIRES student ID to enter the dining hall. Please be sure to bring your IDs for every mealtime. If you need a replacement student ID, please visit Navarre Hall.