By Kayla Bointy
It’s that time of year again! Haskell will be welcoming a wave of new students. As a returning student myself who loves shopping for school supplies, here are some necessities for Haskell Class and Dorm Life.
School Supplies Suggestions
Back Pack / Book Bag (no this isn’t high school, but you will be walking across campus carrying books and stuff, don’t be that guy)
Pens! Get a pack they don’t have to be fancy (because you will lose them!)
*Graphing Calculator (Can be a bit pricey but it’s best to have your own, even though there are some available at the Library, however supplies are limited)
Multiple Flash Drives! (always, always, always back up what you’re working on. Again don’t be that guy!)
I did not include a Laptop or Printer, because Haskell is really good about providing computer and printing services either at the library, Student Success, or TRIO. But you should have
College Ruled Notebooks with folders inside
Binders and Folders (if you’re using a binder College Ruled Paper to fill. I would suggest *Graph Paper for Algebra classes helps keep notes organized)
*Colored Pens (for notes especially with algebra classes)
*for Math Classes
Note Cards
Organizer (small or desktop its best to keep track of important dates and assignments someplace else other than your phone!)
Post Its (Optional or for marking in books if that’s your thing)
Surge Protector
Dorm Life
Router! (If you want WiFi in your room)
Twin XL or Twin Bed Sheets, comforter, pillows etc.
Storage Solutions (simple bin for snacks or supplies)
Shower Caddy
Slides and or Flip flops (protect your feet! Communal showers … for Freshman living in Pocahontas, Blalock, and OK Hall)
Laundry Basket/ Hamper with Handles
Laundry Detergent, Softener, Dryer Sheets
Toilet Paper! (if you live in Roe Cloud or Blalock )
Cleaning Supplies (Roe Cloud and Blalock residents you will be responsible for keeping your bathrooms clean)
Trash Can / Trash Bags
Shower Curtain (for Roe Cloud and Blalock Students)
Bowls (for Ramen and what not)
Basic Utensils (spoons or forks in which to eat your Ramen with)
In freshman dorms microwaves and coffee pots are not allowed, but there is a kitchen available in each dorm.
As for decorative tips, you can buy a curtain, hang pictures or lights but keep it to a minimum, space is limited and always use Command Strips! After all this is an Essentials list. All these things can be found at the local Walmart, Dollar Tree, or Five Below. There’s no need to break the bank, shop smart!
Hope it helps and welcome to the Haskell Family!