President Candidates-

I am Lindsey Beth Robinson, a member of the Wah-Zha-Zhi (Osage) Nations, a sister, a colleague, and a leader for change. I was born and raised in Denver Colorado and moved to Kansas my senior year of high school. I graduated from Blue Valley North High School in 2015 and began my college career at Haskell Indian Nations University the following fall.
Over the course of my college career, I have been involved in various activities such as intermural soccer, choir, joining Alpha Pi Omega Sorority Inc., joining the future cultural preservation club, advocating for the loss of our track & field program, and had the privilege of joining student senate towards the end of spring 2018 semester.
Though I’ve become actively involved on campus I have challenged myself in my academia and learning more about myself as an indigenous woman. I find it important to lead by example and I do so through maintaining a good academic and social standing along with holding myself accountable as a role model for my family, friends, and colleagues. I’ve challenged myself to learn more about my tribal routes, learning my language, and to learn my tribe’s traditional ways to preserve my culture and share with my future children and appreciate Wa-Kon-Da (Creator).
Through these things I’ve learned much about the values of myself and have pride in being a future Haskell Alumni and leader for the next generation to come. As your future president, I will hold myself accountable to giving back and helping provide each student with the best college experience possible.

The second Presidential candidate is Sean Parrish. Sean is a rising senior from the Diné nation majoring in Indigenous and American Indian Studies. He currently serves as the 2017-2018 Junior Class Representative for Student Senate. Sean also serves as the director for the Empowerment Summit committee & the Green and Restoration committee. He is passionate about serving the student body, he believes in reliable leadership that involves transparency, strong communication, creativity, and advocacy. In his off time he is a photojournalist for The Indian Leader Association. If you have any questions find him on campus or slide into his Haskell email.
Calvin Smith Jr. is the 3rd candidate running for President.

Yá’át’ééh! Ádóone’é nishłínígíí ‘éí Tł’ízí łání nishłí̜. Nóoda’í dine’é Táchii’nii ‘éí báshíshchíín. Áshįįhí ‘éí dashicheii áádóó Bit’ahnii ‘éí dashinálí. Tódinéeshzhee’dé̜é̜ naashá. ‘Ákót’éego ‘éí dinééh nishłí̜. Shimá ‘éí Vivian Holiday wolyéé dóó shizhé’é ‘éí Calvin Smith wolyé. My name is Calvin Smith Jr. and I am Diné (Navajo) from Kayenta, Arizona. I started attending Haskell Indian Nations University in the Fall of 2014 and I am currently pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Indigenous American Indian Studies. Before coming to Haskell, I didn’t think I would become HINU Student Senate President. Getting a general education was the only thing on my mind when I was on the train heading to Lawrence, KS back in 2014. As time progressed, I’ve gained new insights and I’ve been wanting to be a part of something to further develop my own leadership skills. I first started by becoming the Treasurer of Native American Church Club and the NAC Organization had been there since day one. They motivated me to do great things as they continued to support me through my 2015-2016 term as Haskell Brave. After my term as Haskell Brave, I participated with other organizations and took those opportunities to become the Vice President of Diné Club, Treasurer of Beading Club, and later the President of Diné Club. I’ve enjoyed my time collaborating with Beading Club as a Prairie Chicken Dancer and doing performances with my Native Flute. I didn’t think much about applying for the position of Student Body President for Student Senate until the week the application was due. My friends here at Haskell continue to support me and I am grateful to have gained such inspiring friends and family who motivate me to take the next step towards leadership and excellency. With this position, I will continue to advocate for them to not only provide stronger relations between the students and faculty and staff, but to go out and provide opportunities for all of us to better ourselves as leaders for our people and communities. My path is still very long and adventurous and with this path, I will walk with my people in harmony, balance, and beauty. Ahéhee’!
Vice President Candidates

Now’ (hello) my name is Ashley Lucero, I am an enrolled member of the Lummi tribe, I’m also Yurok and Laguna Pueblo. I am a junior, I am currently going to be graduating with my social work degree this spring, and my business degree in the spring of 2019. I chose to go to Haskell to get world experience away from home and to meet new people. Among many things some of my biggest passions are my education, corgis, marvel movies, and potatoes in all shapes and forms. I am currently the Treasurer of the Student Senate and am running for the seat of Vice President. I believe I would be a good fit for this position as I am approachable and passionate about the conditions for the students here at Haskell. As Vice President for student senate I would work my hardest to help ease the troubles students face here. Also to work to make the Haskell campus a safe and supportive community for natives from all backgrounds. I promise to work for inclusion and acceptance for all students here at our school. I have been involved in many clubs here on campus. Even if I am not selected I still strongly advocate for student involvement in politics as we can work to be the changes we seek, all we have to do is try.
Hy’sh’qe (Thank you)

My name is William Wilkinson, and I am your candidate for Student Senate Vice President. I am Diné, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, and Cherokee. I am humbled and honored to say that I have been elected to serve on your Senate Executive Board every year that I have been here. I started as your Freshman Representative, progressed to Sophomore Representative, and have been appointed by your current Student Senate President to be the Senate Parliamentarian. When it comes to Robert’s Rules of Order and the Constitution, I am well-versed in both and always strive to keep Student Senate functioning in copacetic order.
Former Student Senate President (SSP) Chris Sindone, appointed me to be his successor as the 2016-17 Student Life Committee Chairman. Shortly after, the entire Executive Board approved my appointment to become a voting member of the university administration’s Policy Development Committee. After the 2017-18 elections, Sindone conveyed to me that the Student Senate needs you because, with your experience and constant drive for success, you will be beneficial to the overall Student Senate organization. With his words, I felt empowered to run, serve, and represent Haskell to the best of my ability.
As the only elected official in your Student Senate Executive Board to have completed KU’s Adaptive Leadership Program, I have learned what it takes to be an engaged, empathetic, and confident leader in today’s dynamic society. These skills not only prepared, but also compelled me to be a more significant asset to Social Work Club, Diné Club, and the Dole Institute of Politics Student Advisory Board (KU). On my advice, the Green and Restoration committee has adopted the measure to have all agendas displayed on the SmartBoard, eliminating more than 1,296 wastefully printed copies. To further Student Senate’s initiative to be green, I will establish the Eco-Monitoring subcommittee under the Green and Restoration committee with the purpose of monitoring Student Senate’s ecological footprint.
Should I earn your vote, I will create the Student Senate Freshman internship. I introduced the progressive idea to create a Student Senate Freshman internship. Resulting in both former and present Freshman Representatives supporting the implementation of this beneficial seat. I will encourage the reallocation of the budget to create scholarships on behalf of Student Senate for our student body. A longstanding issue is the lack of complete representation within our Student Senate. To combat this dilemma, I will advocate creating new Student Senator Positions. Students who are not Club Representatives or Executive Board members will have the ability to voice their concerns with full privileges of regular representatives, senators, and officers. By collaborating with the KU Student Senate Executive Staff and their Legislative Body, we can better each other’s institutions and strengthen our collective communities.
To give students the opportunity to develop skills of exemplary leaders in today’s society, I will create interactive leadership workshops. In an initiative to distribute power equally, I believe any and all members of Student Senate should be given the ability to Chair or Co-Chair an Executive Committee.
I am honored to say that with the support of our current Student Senate Vice President, Student Success Center Technicians, Club Presidents, Director of Student Rights, and the OnwardTogether coalition, I will serve as an unyielding advocate for all students, as well as a proficient Student Senate Vice President if elected. Proudly wearing the lapel pin I received from Governor Dennis Daugaard, I William Wilkinson, plan to sustain the quality of Student Senate through my extensive experience on the Student Senate Executive Board and will commit to making Student Senate better serve our evolving and diverse university.
Thank you for your time and Onward Haskell!
Senior Class Representative

My name is Justin Ennis. I am Oklahoma Choctaw. I grew up in a small town here in Kansas, about 30 minutes south of Lawrence called Richmond, a town of around 400 people. I was actually born in Lawrence Memorial Hospital. I was raised by my grandmother since I was a little guy. She is honestly one of the smartest, strongest women I have ever known. I realize now that I’m older the many characteristics that make me the man I am today is because of her. As far as me growing where and how I did, it really helped me. I wasn’t much different from most kids played sports, was a class clown most of the time, and got into trouble from time to time nothing too crazy though.
I would tell most people that I am not a leader right out of the gate. I’m more a watch and learn type. However when I am put into a position of responsibility I take it seriously. I was voted captain of both my football and wrestling team my senior year in high school. I didn’t choose that position I was voted in by my peers. I believe it was through the hard work I put in that got me there. When I got here to Haskell I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I’m a first generation college student. This isn’t my first time here at Haskell. I attended the University in 2009. I got into trouble but I’m fixing those past mistakes with present accomplishments. I would like finish my Haskell career not only as a college graduate but, just being involved with the University I believe being a part of the Student Senate Council would be a step in the right direction.
Voting is open to all students next Monday May 7th & Tuesday May 8th at Curtis Hall from 11-1 and the Library from 1-5