Rumors of an individual armed with a gun somewhere in the area between Haskell, Broken Arrow Elementary, and South Middle Schools prompted a lockdown at Haskell Indian Nations University. Shortly after noon on October 19, employees and students who were subscribed to the school’s E2 Campus Alert System received a notification that everyone was to head into the nearest building immediately, turn off all lights, lock the doors, and remain inside until further notice.

After roughly half an hour, Haskell officials received word from the Lawrence Police Department that they had made contact with the individual in question on Haskell’s campus and the all-clear was given. Had this been
an actual active shooter, the incident could have resulted in a more serious emergency event. Fortunately for all of us at Haskell, Thursday’s incident did not turn out to be dangerous, but it only serves to emphasize the importance of subscribing to the school’s E2 system.
All of us here at the Indian Leader strongly recommend that all students and employees subscribe to the emergency notification system by going to the website at: